Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Pamela: I cannot thank you enough for your amazing power through your touch/hands. My carpal tunnel is already less painful in the short number of sessions with you. It looks as though I won't be needing surgery anytime soon. Your studio is disarming and peaceful.

Michael, Ithaca, NY


Offering moderated to deep, satisfying, detailed bodywork addressing chronic conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, bound shoulders, back pain, as well as old and recent injuries. Same day service usually available. Clients remain clothed throughout the session allowing for more relaxed, comfortable experience.

  • Myofacial work
  • Seated massage
  • Pre and postnatal massage
  • Foot massage
  • Shiatsu


Tarot is a language of symbols, each representing some aspect of human experience. These visual representations of our collective experience are revealed through seventy eight cards. With the intention of gaining deeper understanding and insight into one's life direction, issues and or obstacles to progress, Tarot serves as a tool for transforming stagnation into movement and growth.

A reading begins with drawing a specific number of cards from this 'resevoir' of experience and placing them on a layout in the order that they are chosen. Each position on the 'map' represents an aspect of life in it's current state. The meaning of the card is made more relevant in conjunction with the meaning of the position on the layout. All of these symbols in relation to each other reveal a picture, an overview, and an understanding of of our current experience. From there questions can be answered that will assist in facilitating healing, growth and self empowerment.


Tarot ~ 20minutes: $15, 45min: $35
Massage ~ 10 min $8, 20min: $16, 30min: $25, 60min: $55